
/Our Story

We are Cub Digital, the secret sauce behind the best outcomes in Australasia. We use technology & expertise to help you achieve your goals, all while keeping things simple.
How We Grow
Cub Digital empowers businesses to push the boundaries. Partnering with companies across construction, finance, sports, retail and more. We help businesses test novel technologies, scale robust IT systems and ultimately solve more problems. Cub drives sustainable growth through novel tech adoption tailored to you.
David Nyika wearing black jacket with Tokyo 2020 logo standing with bronze medal around his neck, in Olympic village. International flags and tall buildings in background.

/Our Value

We specialise in new & interesting tech, and problems that no-one else can solve. So we love to tap in when others tap out.

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We Get To Know Your Business
To kick things off, we immerse ourselves in your business with a business-focused mindset, exploring every aspect, from your offerings and operations to how you work. Our aim is to uncover where technology can spark new opportunities for growth from automating routine tasks to extracting insights from complex data.
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Gathering Data
Along the journey, we gather insights into the kinds of data you possess, its origins, and how you handle it to spot any gaps or challenges.
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Strategy & Roadmaps
Through our collaborative executive workshops, we pinpoint use cases and key scenarios where we can make a difference. We offer suggestions for projects and initiatives formulating a tech roadmap with you and your team.
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Custom Solutions
If you're ready to get started and you project is more specialised or needs a bespoke solution it's time to problem solve. We work together to decide what the solution will look like, design the architecture, and choose the right tools and technologies.
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Start Small
We like to start small and often offer off the shelf products or POC projects so we can start working together quickly. We can do this alongside your roadmap for future projects.

/Our Mission

We want to deliver exceptional outcomes that make a significant impact. Our mission is to fill up our company wall with physical customer testimonials. Working alongside the Olympians, we have been  challenged personally and professionally to develop a culture of operational excellence and we love being able to see our customers succeed. Our sign of success is that at the end of a project you will tell someone about us. We think if we are doing that right, then the rest will take care of itself. In saying that, we care deeply about the work we do and technology.
Always asking, what is the key outcome we are trying to get here and are we building something people want?
We get bought into companies to challenge, to ask questions, to help make the boat go faster. We use the word loyal challengers. We are loyal to the success of your business and are going to try to push your thinking and challenge you to get to the next level.

/Our Principles

Here Are Some of the Principles We Live by That Lead To Great Outcomes

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Build Something People Want
This is our north star. We're not interested in creating nifty products that no one actually needs or desires. Every solution we develop starts with understanding what pains, struggles, or frustrations you or your customers are facing. From there, we craft experiences and solutions to solve those problems. User-centric always.
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Be Relentlessly Resourceful
We focus on what matters most, removing unnecessary complexity. Our tight-knit team exemplifies a startup mindset - moving leanly and pivoting quickly to make the most of resources.
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Keep Things Simple
We avoid getting bogged down in bloated processes or overly complex solutions. Instead, we favor scrappy, nimble approaches that allow us to remain versatile and maximise our resources. Simplicity is a superpower that prevents overcomplication and focuses our efforts.
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Iterate Quickly
Shipping an MVP is just the first step. We operate with a continuous feedback loop, refining and optimising based on data and customer usage patterns. Constant iteration is how transformative products are crafted.
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Talk To Users
We don't make assumptions about what users want - we go straight to the source. Having real conversations with your customers is mission-critical for understanding their needs, pain points, and desired outcomes. These insights shape our product roadmaps from day one. We're not interested in shipping something onto a shelf and hoping it sticks.
Billboard for Cub Digital with the text "We provide outcomes as a service, in the digital space" displayed against a background of green trees and a clear blue sky.

/Featured Clients

Our goal is to build strong, long-lasting relationships with our clients, who trust us to get the job done. We want our clients to be our biggest fans.